2020 New Year's Day Color

Happy New Year from Mini Forest!  We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a fun and safe welcome to the new year.  Here at the nursery we have lots of New Year's Day color. The Japanese cedars (Cryptomeria), and some of the junipers are a burnished copper, Amber Gold and Carsten’s Gold dwarf pines have turned neon yellow! Order now to enjoy their rich color which will turn to green come warm weather. Many plants are showing new growth. 

To entice you to try some of our best selling slow growing plants we have put them on sale until out of current stock or through March 15. These are slow growing and quite hardy.  If you live in an area where the ground is frozen hard you simply water them well when they arrive, place them in a sheltered spot.  These choices will wait in their containers until you and the soil are ready to plant out. Just be sure to check them regularly for moisture content and water again as needed.

Their soil can dry out from freeze dry, windy conditions or intense winter sun.

 On sale now for $12.00:  Abies (true fir family) koreana ‘Cis’ the mini rice tree (check the undersides to see the rice effect).  Chamaecyparis obtusa Butter Ball, Chamaecyparis pisifera Cumulus, Cryptomeria japonica Tansu.  Cryptomeris japonica Tansu, Ginkgo biloba TschiTschi.  Juniperus communis Japanese Garden Juniper.  Sale ends March 15.

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