Closing the doors
Dear customers,
It is with a heavy heart that i write this blog. I regret to inform you that i will be closing my business due to life circumstances. This was a dream for me that i wanted to keep alive and continue but unfortunately i am unable to.
With me closing the doors offers great discounts to all my customers. You will receive 50 percent off any order $50 or more. You read that correctly. Best part it's automatically discounted, no code required. Last shipping day of the year will be November 13. I will be shipping all orders the following Monday the order is placed.
I want to thank the continued support that i have received from friend's and family. I also would like to thank all my customers new and old for their continued support. I could not of made it through this year without you, it is what has kept me from closing my doors.
I would like to thank all my wholesale vendors, event holders, GRnews and all the members that purchased my plants from me.